鲍建竹. 新自由主义思潮对大学生影响的微观分析及引导对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (5): 20-23.
    引用本文: 鲍建竹. 新自由主义思潮对大学生影响的微观分析及引导对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (5): 20-23.
    BAO Jiang-zhu. A Microcosmic Analysis of the Influence of the New Liberalism on University Students and Coping Strategies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (5): 20-23.
    Citation: BAO Jiang-zhu. A Microcosmic Analysis of the Influence of the New Liberalism on University Students and Coping Strategies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (5): 20-23.


    A Microcosmic Analysis of the Influence of the New Liberalism on University Students and Coping Strategies

    • 摘要: 新自由主义思潮对大学生的影响是潜移默化的渐进过程。就微观而言,这种影响表现为,从认知契合到需求共鸣,再到利益共振。根据这一过程性特征,高校思想政治教育要实现用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮必须对大学生群体加以细化,分年级,分专业,甚至分家庭背景,区分对待,进行有针对性的分类分层引导。


      Abstract: The subtle influence of the new liberalism on university students is a gradual process. Microcosmically, such influence shows a process from the coincidence in cognition to demand meeting and then to the agreement on interests. According to the features of this process, to realize the guidance of social tide with the socialist core values, we have to distinguish university students in the light of grade, major, and even their family backgrounds, and then take the corresponding measures.


