On the Current Financing Situation of the Sports Associations in Sichuan and Countermeasures
摘要: 四川省体育社团的融资问题已成为制约其持续健康发展的瓶颈.研究发现,四川省体育社团的融资问题主要表现在:融资意识淡薄;融资模式单一,社会募捐能力欠缺,融资渠道狭窄;创收能力不足,服务收入比例低等方面.研究认为,应从转变融资意识,丰富融资内涵;强化内部治理;推行独立的第三方评估和公示制度以及加大政府扶持力度等方面提升其融资能力.Abstract: The problem of financing has become a bottleneck which is now threatening the sustainable development of the sports associations in Sichuan. Studies show that the financing difficulties mainly result from the following aspects: the weak financing awareness; inadequate financing channels; the poor capability in solicitation of social funds; inadequate income-earning ability; the poor proportion of receipts from services. The survey indicates that efforts should be made to enhance the financing capacity in the following aspects: the intensification of the financing awareness; the enriching of financing connotations; the strengthening of internal management; the implementation of an independent third-party assessment and the display system and the increase of government support.