袁金宝. 民族传统体育发展的文化反思[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (4): 93-96.
    引用本文: 袁金宝. 民族传统体育发展的文化反思[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (4): 93-96.
    YUAN Jin-bao. Cultural Introspection about the Development of Chinese Traditional Sports[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (4): 93-96.
    Citation: YUAN Jin-bao. Cultural Introspection about the Development of Chinese Traditional Sports[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (4): 93-96.


    Cultural Introspection about the Development of Chinese Traditional Sports

    • 摘要: 要促进我国民族传统体育的繁荣发展,应当处理好"继承保护与改革创新"、"竞技化与民俗化"的关系.在民族传统体育全球化发展的当下,民族传统体育应当与西方竞技体育树立和而不同的平等价值观念、建立民族传统体育文化的自省机制、准确定位实现自强发展的文化资本,这是对自身文化地位进行的合理定位.


      Abstract: In order to boost the development of Chinese national traditional sports, efforts must be made to strike a balance between “heritage conservation and innovative reform” and “the trend of competitiveness and the trend of folk custom”. Under the context of sports globalization, the Chinese national traditional sports should learn to coexist with the western competitive sports in harmony although they may differ drastically in many aspects. And a mechanism for self-introspetion needs to be established for our national sports culture; an accurate orientation of the sports culture capital must be found out so as to achieve the self-development.


