许国萍, 周秋红. 大学生学习倦怠的现状及其影响因素[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (4): 71-75.
    引用本文: 许国萍, 周秋红. 大学生学习倦怠的现状及其影响因素[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (4): 71-75.
    XU Guo-ping, ZHOU Qiu-hong. The Current Situation of Colleage Students’Learning Burnout and Its Causes[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (4): 71-75.
    Citation: XU Guo-ping, ZHOU Qiu-hong. The Current Situation of Colleage Students’Learning Burnout and Its Causes[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (4): 71-75.


    The Current Situation of Colleage Students’Learning Burnout and Its Causes

    • 摘要: 为调查大学生学习倦怠的现状,采用大学生学习倦怠量表,对330名大学生进行施测;将学习倦怠总分按照升序排列,取前27%作为低分组,即低倦怠组,取后27%作为高分组,即高倦怠组;从高分组和低分组中各取10人进行访谈,将访谈结果进行总结对比,找出其影响因素,并提出有效可行的干预措施.结果显示:大学生学习倦怠水平较高,行为不当最为严重;在性别上,女生在成就感低上高于男生;在年级上,大二学生的总倦怠高于大四学生,大二、大三学生的情绪低落高于大四学生;在学科上,理科学生的总倦怠、情绪低落、成就感低都高于文科学生;引起


      Abstract: To investigate learning burnout of college students, 330 college students were surveyed with college student learning burnout inventory. The results were then sorted in ascending order based on the total scores; and the first 27% cases were selected as the group of low score group(the group of low burnout), the last 27% cases as the group of high score(the group of high burnout);10 cases respectively from both groups were selected and subjected to an interview, the results of which were then summed up and compared so as to find out the causes in the hope of put forth possible effective measures. The results show:①the learning burnout level of the college student is comparatively high, behavior inadequacy is most serious;②in terms of gender difference, female students are higher than males in the level of reduced personal accomplishment;③in terms of grades, sophomores are higher than seniors in the level of the general burnout; sophomores and juniors are higher than seniors in the level of redused achievement sense;④in terms of branch of art and science, the science students are high than the art students in the level of the general burnout, redused achievement sense and reduced personal accomplishment;⑤The affecting factors of learning burnout are quite varied, which demands concerted efforts made among the society, family, school and each individual with the individual playing the leading role.


