The Grey Correlation Analysis of the Industrial Differences in the Southern-Sichuan Economic Zone
摘要: 运用灰色关联分析和区位基尼系数法,对川南五市经济区产业结构进行测度,分析了产业差异原因,为川南经济区产业结构优化发展提出了优化升级特色产业,取得地区产业比较优势;合理利用资源,加快川南经济区主导产业集聚发展;强化产业创新,促进川南经济区产业竞争力的建议.Abstract: By employing grey correlation analysis and Gini coefficient method, the regional industrial structure of the five prefecrtures in Southern Sichuan Economic Zone was put under examination with a cause analysis made about the industrial difference. In order to optimize and develop the industrial structure in the economic zone, suggestions are put forth as follows: to acquire comparative advantange through the optimization and update of industries with its own characteristics; to accelerate industrial congregation of dominant industries by making reasonable use of resources; to prompt industrial competitiveness by stepping up industrial innovation.