Influencing Factors in the Preparation of Nanometer TiO2 Powder by Polymerized Sol-gel
摘要: 以钛酸丁酯为前驱物,无水乙醇为溶剂,冰醋酸为抑制剂,硝酸为催化剂在低温条件下制备纳米二氧化钛凝胶.通过定量分析得出优化工艺条件:V乙醇/V钛酸丁酯为6,V水/V钛酸丁酯为1,V冰醋酸/V钛酸丁酯为1,体系pH为3~4,凝胶时间为2~4h,煅烧温度为500°C,煅烧时间为2h.用激光粒度仪表征纳米TiO2颗粒平均粒径为800nm,用XRD表征计算晶粒粒径为25nm.Abstract: Abstract:TiO2 sol was prepared by sol-gel method using tetrabutyl titanate as a precursor, absolute ethanol as a solvent,acetic acid as inhibitors, nitric acid as catalyst under low temperature conditions. A quantitative analysis finds that the optimum processing conditions for the preparation of nanoscale TiO2 are when VC2H5(OH): VTi(OC4H9)4 =6, VH2O: VTi(OC4H9)4 =1, VCH3COOH: VTi(OC4H9)4 =1,and the pH value of mixture is adjusted to between 3 and 4, the time of gel polymeration lasts nearly 3 hours, the calcinating time lasts for 2 hours 0under 50℃. The particles of nanometer titanium are 800nm in diameter when characterized by laser granulometer and 25nm on average when characterized by XRD.