张成堂, 武东, 曹宗宏, 谢宝英. 基于LP和Markov过程的眼科病床安排模型[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (4): 26-29.
    引用本文: 张成堂, 武东, 曹宗宏, 谢宝英. 基于LP和Markov过程的眼科病床安排模型[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (4): 26-29.
    ZHANG Cheng-tang, WU Dong, CAO Zong-hong, XIE Bao-ying. Ophthalmic Hospital Bed Arrangement Model Based on Linear jProgramming and Markov Process[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (4): 26-29.
    Citation: ZHANG Cheng-tang, WU Dong, CAO Zong-hong, XIE Bao-ying. Ophthalmic Hospital Bed Arrangement Model Based on Linear jProgramming and Markov Process[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (4): 26-29.


    Ophthalmic Hospital Bed Arrangement Model Based on Linear jProgramming and Markov Process

    • 摘要: 针对某眼科医院病人排队等候时间长的问题,运用Markov生灭过程构建合理评价指标体系,并利用具有约束条件的线性规划方法设计了病人平均住院时间最短的病床安排模型I,给出各类病人入院的大致时间区间.考虑周六、日不安排手术或病床比例大致固定等模型深入的问题时,对病床安排模型I作出相应的调整与评价.最后,基于缩短病人平均逗留时间给出了病床安排模型II和病床分配比例.


      Abstract: Abstract: In order to solve the problem of keeping patients waiting too long in some hospitals, by use of reasonable system of evaluation based on Markov birth and death process and by aid of linear programming method under some restraint condition, a bed arrangement model I for minimal average hospital stay is desgned. The model has also worked out a rough time interval estimation concerning when ophthalmic patients are likely to be hospitalized. Considering the general practice of arranging no operations on Saturdays and Sundays and the relatively fixed proportion of hospital beds, due adjustment and evaluation is made to Model I. Finally, a hospital bed arragement Model II was constructed and bed allocation proportion was given in an effort to shorten patients’ average hospital stay.


