Stablization Method for the Full Discrete Local Projection of the Transient Oseen Equations
摘要: 研究了非定常的Oseen方程的局部投影全离散有限元方法,证明了该格式只需在投影空间和近似空间满足局部弱的inf-sup条件的情况下存在唯一解,给出了稳定性证明,使用一个具有正交性的插值得出误差估计.Abstract: Abstract: The finite element method for full-discrete local projection of non-stationary Oseen equations is put under examination and it is proven that there exists a unique solution for this formulation on condition that the projection space and approximation space are characterized by locally weak inf-sup. The error estimates is given through orthogonality interpolation.and the stability proof is confirmed.