Cause Analysis of the Factors Influencing Vertical Take-off Speed Conversion Rate of in High Jump and Countermeasures
摘要: 通过查阅文献资料和观看比赛录像,发现我国运动员整体水平在起跳开始前速度低于世界优秀运动员,起跳后转化为垂直速度的能力更是和世界优秀运动员存在不小的差距,这些在一定程度上限制跳高水平的提高.助跑速度在跳高运动中起到了重要作用,起跳瞬间人体ATP—CP快速供能能力以及神经—肌肉的最大工作能力也是影响垂直速度转化率的内在因素,而这些内在因素是可以通过训练获得,所以应该加强这方面能力的训练,以其提高运动成绩.Abstract: Abstract: By way of consulting the relevant documents and watching games on video, it was noted that Chinese athletes’ take-off speed is generally slower than that of their foreign rival athletes, and a still greater gap lies between Chinese athletes and their foreign rivlals in the vertical speed conversion rate after takeoff, which to some degree retards their improving of the high jump performance. Run-up speed plays an important role in high jump. The capacity of rapid energy supply of the ATP-CP system and the peak work capacity(PWC) of the muscle-nerve system are also the inner factors that play a part in the conversion rate of the vertical speed, yet both can be made available by training. In order to improve high jump performance, efforts should be made to improve our abilities in these respects.