冯增辉, 许红华. 大学生就业效能感的因素分析和实证研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (2): 55-59.
    引用本文: 冯增辉, 许红华. 大学生就业效能感的因素分析和实证研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (2): 55-59.
    FENG Zeng-hui, XU Hong-hua. Factor Analysis and Empirical Study on Job-hunting Self-efficacy of College Students[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (2): 55-59.
    Citation: FENG Zeng-hui, XU Hong-hua. Factor Analysis and Empirical Study on Job-hunting Self-efficacy of College Students[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (2): 55-59.


    Factor Analysis and Empirical Study on Job-hunting Self-efficacy of College Students

    • 摘要: 目的了解本科生就业效能感情况.方法采用自编的就业效能感量表,引入学校声誉、专业地位、劳动力市场等外在效能感知因素,以中国矿业大学大三、大四的学生作为研究对象,运用SPSS软件分析就业效能感情况.结果自编的就业效能感量表效度和信度较好;大学生就业效能感由学校地位和声誉、劳动力市场、就业信息与技能、学习成绩和个性自我评价五个维度组成;大四学生的就业效能感高于大三的学生,差异显著;会计类学生的就业效能感高于工管类学生,差异显著;男生与女生、不同生源地学生、独生子女与非独生子女在就业效能感并无显著差异,但有男生高


      Abstract: Objective To get aquainted with college undergraduates’ job-hunting self-efficacy. Methods By adopting a self-made job-hunting self-efficacy scale based on factor analysis, and taking junior and senior undergraduates in China University of Mining and Technology as the research subjects, an analysis is made about their job-hunting self-efficacy through SPSS. Conclusions The self-made job-hunting self-efficacy scale gives a rather good performance in respect of credibility and reliablility; the scale consists of five dimentions: the college’s prestige and status, the labor market, job information and employability skills, academic performance and self-evaluation of one’s own personality. A significant difference is observed between the senior undergraduates and their junior peers with the former having an apparently higher self-efficacy in job-hunting; students majoring in accountancy are better than those majoring in business administration in the same regard; while there exists no noticeable difference in regards of gender, the student’s birthplace, or being an only child or not; yet still a tendency is detected that boy students have a better self-efficacy than girls, urban students better than rural counterparts, non-only-child students better than those only-child peers.


