胡蓉, 周春景. 4种柑橘属植物叶脉序比较研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (2): 34-37.
    引用本文: 胡蓉, 周春景. 4种柑橘属植物叶脉序比较研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (2): 34-37.
    HU Rong, ZHOU Chun-jing. Comparision of Venation for Four Citrus Plants[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (2): 34-37.
    Citation: HU Rong, ZHOU Chun-jing. Comparision of Venation for Four Citrus Plants[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (2): 34-37.


    Comparision of Venation for Four Citrus Plants

    • 摘要: 为了探索柑橘属植物叶脉序的特征在植物分类和生物进化上的意义,用脉络法对4种柑橘属植物叶脉序标本进行了比较研究.结果表明:柑橘属4种植物叶片脉序均为环结曲行羽状脉;一级脉直向行走或微弯曲行走,相对粗细一般为中等;叶脉分支一般为五级;盲脉无或1~2次分支;叶缘具三级脉环.4种植物叶片的脉序特征基本相似,在二级脉的数目和角度上略有变异,其二级间脉及三级脉类型、网眼的发育方式、尤其是盲脉的分支特点表现出高度的稳定性;而同种植物不同部位的叶,则完全一致.柑橘属中红橘、柚子、柠檬、血橙进化地位相似,脉序特征支持4种植


      Abstract: To explore the role of the Venation sequence characteristic of Citrus plants it plays in plant classification and biological evolution; 4 citrus plants venations were compared with light microscope. Leaf venations of Citrus reticulata,Citrus grandis,Citrus limon and Citrus sinensis are brochidodromous. Primary vein radiates in a straight or a slightly curved direction. The venations are of a quinternary vein and veinlets have 0 or 1 ~ 2 branches. Leaf margin is of a tertiary vein ring. Leaf venation characteristics of Citrus reticulata,Citrus grandis,Citrus limon,Citrus sinensis are basically the same. The intersecondary veins, tertiary vein, the development of areole, in particular, the characteristics of veinlets branches showed a high degree of stability, with only a slight variation detected in the number of secondary veins and development angle. Leaves from different parts of the same species are just identifcal. The above - findings in vein characters support that Citrus reticulata,Citrus grandis,Citrus limon,Citrus sinensis are in similar evolutionary status. They belong to sibling species. Therefore, the characteristic of the Citrus leaf venation is one with relatively conservative feature. It can serve as a basis for plant classification.


