The Interaction between the Court and Salt Industry in the Late Ming Dynasty: Focusing on the Salt-related School and Commercial Registers
摘要: 国家财政状况是影响中央与地方关系的一个重要因素。在隆庆之前,除了重建河东运学外,全国并无运学设立,朝廷对于两淮盐区设立运学的请求也并未应允。隆庆后,随着内外支出的不断增长,明廷开始回应地方盐区倡设运学的请求,在两淮与两浙表现为设立商籍,在长芦表现为设立运学。在情况最为复杂的两淮盐区,朝廷对于设立运学一事十分谨慎,最终通过设立商籍的方式与两淮地方达成一致。长芦运学虽然得以设立,但随后出现的冒籍问题则中断了朝廷设立运学的尝试,两浙因此采用了在两淮行之有效的商籍。在地方盐区倡设运学的过程中,经过朝廷与地方的互动与妥协,商籍最终成为晚明时期朝廷解决盐商子弟异地应试的主要方式。Abstract: The fiscal condition of the state is a significant factor influencing the relationship between the central and local governments. Prior to the Longqing Reign in Ming Dynasty, apart from the reconstruction of the salt-related school (specifically established for the young generation of salt merchants and workers) in the Hedong region, there were no established such school nationwide. The court of Ming Dynasty did not approve requests to establish such school in the salt regions of the Lianghuai Region. After Longqing Reign, with the continuous growth of internal and external expenditures, the Ming court began to respond to local requests to establish the school in the salt regions. The response manifested both as the establishment of commercial registers in the Lianghuai Region and Liangzhe Region, and as the school in Changlu. In the particularly complex context of the salt region in Lianghuai Region, the court exercised great caution regarding the establishment of the school and ultimately reached an agreement with the local authorities in Lianghuai Region through the establishment of commercial registers. Although the school in Changlu were established, the subsequent issue of examinees with false registered residence impeded the court’s further attempts to set up such school. As a consequence, the effective commercial register system was adopted in the Liangzhe Region as used in the Lianghuai Region. Throughout the process of advocating for the establishment of the school in local salt regions, there was the interaction and compromise between the court and local authorities. Ultimately, the interaction and compromise paved way for commercial registers. The commercial register, therefore, became the primary means by which the court addressed the examination needs of salt merchants’ young generation from different regions during the late Ming Dynasty.