As a powerful mechanism for seamlessly integrating morals and values into the comprehensive teaching and learning landscape, the assessment of morals and values education throughout the curriculum can provide robust support for higher education institutions to implement and further this integration. This assessment should adhere to the following five principles: 1) correct political orientation, 2) the construction of a community for cultivating students, 3) a combination of self-evaluation and peer evaluation, 4) consideration of both process and outcomes with a focus on the process, and 5) the dialectical unity of knowledge and action. Key aspects to be assessed include four aspects: 1) the appropriateness and scientific rationale of educational objectives, 2) the thoroughness and accuracy of the morals and values identified, 3) the systematic integration of connotation of morals and values with knowledge generation, and 4) the targeted construction of educational contexts. To strengthen the assessment of morals and values education throughout the curriculum in higher education curricula is a path for institutional construction. Firstly, it is essential to draw from the theory of new institutionalism. Secondly, resource sharing and collaborative innovation should be enhanced. Thirdly, an effective organizational mechanism with strong support is to be established. Fourthly, procedural fairness and intrinsic recognition are reinforced. Fifthly, a rich and clearly directed cultural mechanism should be created. Sixthly, priority is given to incentive and quality supervision. The last but not the least, a system of multi-faceted and interlinked reward and punishment should be formulated.