李雪珊. 三台县琴泉寺历史沿革考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2024, 39(9): 54-60. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.009
    引用本文: 李雪珊. 三台县琴泉寺历史沿革考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2024, 39(9): 54-60. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.009
    LI Xueshan. Textual Research of the History and Development of Qinquan Temple in Santai County[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2024, 39(9): 54-60. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.009
    Citation: LI Xueshan. Textual Research of the History and Development of Qinquan Temple in Santai County[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2024, 39(9): 54-60. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.009


    Textual Research of the History and Development of Qinquan Temple in Santai County

    • 摘要: 现三台县琴泉寺,始建于北周,以新州刺史元则封号"安昌"而名安昌寺。唐初更名为慧义寺(也称惠义寺),作为梓州名寺,吸引了王勃、杨炯、杜甫、李邕、赵蕤、李商隐等文人游览与题咏,高僧清虚、法真于此出家,神清、洪照驻锡。宋代更名为护圣寺,其更名时间应为北宋时期。最迟在明嘉靖年间,因寺内泉声似琴音又更名为琴泉寺。清代仍称琴泉寺,并有张邦伸、张问陶、吴省钦、韩泰华等文人在此留下吟咏诗文。民国时曾更名为甘露寺,后又改为琴泉寺,沿用至今。寺内亦有诸多陈迹,唐时所凿千佛洞,赵蕤隐居故址"赵岩洞"等。但庾信、王勃碑,顾彦晖铸钟,寺塔及藏经等现都已不存。


      Abstract: Qinquan (qin琴an ancient Chinese musical instrument; quan 泉 spring) Temple in Santai County which is located in Southeast of Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China) was first built during the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The temple was named Anchang Temple after the title Anchang conferred to YUAN Ze, the Governor of Xinzhou (including current Eastern Sichuan Province, Western Hubei Province and the majority of Guizhou Province). It was later renamed as Huiyi Temple in the early Tang Dynasty, becoming a famous temple in Zizhou (current Santai County). It attracted literati such as WANG Bo, YANG Jiong, DU Fu, LI Yong, ZHAO Rui, LI Shangyin for visits and poetic inscriptions. Eminent monks Qingxu and Fazhen took the tonsure in this temple. Shenqing and Hongzhao, other two famous monks, also resided in the temple. It was renamed as Husheng Temple in the Song Dynasty, most likely during the Northern Song Dynasty. By the Jiajing Reign of Ming Dynasty at the latest, it was renamed as Qinquan Temple due to the sound of the spring in the temple resembling the sound of qin. In the Qing Dynasty, it was still called Qinquan Temple, with literati such as ZHANG Bangshen, ZHANG Wentao, WU Xingqin, and HAN Taihua leaving poetic inscriptions in the temple. During the Republic of China, it was briefly renamed as Ganlu Temple, but shortly reverted to Qinquan Temple, a name that remains in use to this day. The inscription on the steles by YU Xin, WANG Bo respectively, the bell cast by GU Yanhui, the temple tower and scripture storage cannot be found currently. The temple contains many historical relics, such as the Thousand-Buddha Cave excavated during the Tang Dynasty, the retreat site of ZHAO Rui, known as Zhao Cave.


