王昌晟. 《元和姓纂》所载隋唐淳于氏世系补考——以墓志资料为中心[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2024, 39(9): 41-46. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.007
    引用本文: 王昌晟. 《元和姓纂》所载隋唐淳于氏世系补考——以墓志资料为中心[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2024, 39(9): 41-46. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.007
    WANG Changsheng. Supplementation and Examination of Genealogy of the Chunyu Clan in Sui and Tang Dynasties in The Yuanhe Surname Compilation: Around Materials from Epitaphs[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2024, 39(9): 41-46. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.007
    Citation: WANG Changsheng. Supplementation and Examination of Genealogy of the Chunyu Clan in Sui and Tang Dynasties in The Yuanhe Surname Compilation: Around Materials from Epitaphs[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2024, 39(9): 41-46. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.007


    Supplementation and Examination of Genealogy of the Chunyu Clan in Sui and Tang Dynasties in The Yuanhe Surname Compilation: Around Materials from Epitaphs

    • 摘要: 淳于氏是齐鲁地区大姓,但隋唐史书中记载不多。《元和姓纂》卷三"淳于氏"条的记载多有缺漏,对活跃在隋唐时期的淳于氏家族人物、世系的记载不完整。通过现存墓志可以对相关内容进行勘补在"济北淳于氏"条下补入淳于难父淳于朗,并整体补入先迁入江南,后转入四川地区的淳于量家族;除"济北淳于氏"之外,还补入活跃于河南地区的"北海淳于氏"家族。通过补证,可以发现淳于氏家族在唐代具有地方势力与前朝旧臣的双重属性,这使其在入唐之后受到打击并逐步衰落。


      Abstract: The Chunyu clan was a prominent family in the Qilu region (current Shandong Province in China), but there are few records in the historical books related to Dynasties of Sui and Tang. Some records of the clan in Volume Three of The Yuanhe Surname Compilation are not found. Worsely, the records of the Chunyu clan’s family members and genealogy during the Sui and Tang Dynasties are extremely incomplete. Through existing epitaphs, relevant content can be supplemented as follows. Firstly, Chunyu Nan’s father Chunyu Lang, initially moved to Jiangnan and later to Sichuan. Secondly, "in addition to the Jibei Chunyu clan, the Beihai Chunyu clan also played an important role in Henan" is also added. Through supplementation, it can be found that the Chunyu clan had both local power and the status of former court officials in the Sui Dynasty. Therefore, the clan suffers from their gradual decline and setbacks after entering the Tang Dynasty which follows immediately the Sui Dynasty.


