高晓瑞, 兰宏君. 论晚清至"五四"文学中"唤醒"模式的流变[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2024, 39(9): 6-13. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.002
    引用本文: 高晓瑞, 兰宏君. 论晚清至"五四"文学中"唤醒"模式的流变[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2024, 39(9): 6-13. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.002
    GAO Xiaorui, LAN Hongjun. The Transformation of the Awakening Modes from Late Qing Dynasty to the May 4th Movement[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2024, 39(9): 6-13. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.002
    Citation: GAO Xiaorui, LAN Hongjun. The Transformation of the Awakening Modes from Late Qing Dynasty to the May 4th Movement[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2024, 39(9): 6-13. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.09.002


    The Transformation of the Awakening Modes from Late Qing Dynasty to the May 4th Movement

    • 摘要: 中国文学的"唤醒"模式诞生于知识分子救亡图存的意识。晚清之"唤醒"意在醒国以救国,将醒人纳入醒国范畴;"五四"文学区分醒国与醒人,着重以人的觉醒为目标。晚清文学与"五四"文学的"唤醒"模式在"唤醒"内容、方式与对象上存在不同,但二者都包含知识分子救亡图存的精神内核。"唤醒"模式在晚清与"五四"之间存在延续性的原因是一脉相承的救国意识,二者内涵不同的直接原因是戊戌变法与辛亥革命的接连失败强化了知识分子的"国民性"焦虑。"国民性"焦虑的强化促使并体现了知识分子的思想转型,中国文学"唤醒"模式流变的根本原因即在于思想转型。这一思想转型推动了中国文学的现代转型,继而推动了中国现代文学的发生。


      Abstract: The awakening modes of Chinese literature originated from the consciousness of intellectuals seeking to save their nation. Such awakening in late Qing aimed to wake up the Chinese people so that their nation could be saved. Therefore, the awakening of individuals was incorporated into the awakening of the nation. Chinese literature was distinguished between awakening the nation and awakening individuals due to the May 4th Movement in 1919, and the awakening of individuals was the goal then. The awakening modes in late Qing literature and the literature of the May 4th Movement differ in terms of content, methods, and targets. However, both embrace the spiritual core of intellectuals seeking to save their nation. The continuity of the awakening mode between the late Qing and the May 4th Movement lies in the continuous consciousness of saving the nation, while the different connotations are directly related to the consecutive failures of the Hundred Days of Reform in 1898 and the Xinhai Revolution in 1911. The failures intensified the intellectuals’ anxiety out of Chinese national character. The intensification of the anxiety prompted and reflected the intellectuals’ transformation of value system, and the fundamental reason for the evolution of the awakening mode in Chinese literature lies in the transformation of value system. This transformation propelled the modern transformation of Chinese literature, and subsequently led to the emergence of modern Chinese literature.


