孙明材. 明代辽东谪戍文臣叶应骢生平辑补[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2024, 39(7): 61-65. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.07.010
    引用本文: 孙明材. 明代辽东谪戍文臣叶应骢生平辑补[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2024, 39(7): 61-65. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.07.010
    SUN Mingcai. Supplementation to the Biography of the Scholar-official YE Yingcong Exiled to Liaodong in Ming Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2024, 39(7): 61-65. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.07.010
    Citation: SUN Mingcai. Supplementation to the Biography of the Scholar-official YE Yingcong Exiled to Liaodong in Ming Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2024, 39(7): 61-65. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2024.07.010


    Supplementation to the Biography of the Scholar-official YE Yingcong Exiled to Liaodong in Ming Dynasty

    • 摘要: 辑补叶应骢生平如次:生于明孝宗弘治三年(1490)四月二十一日。号"三冈"。正德十四年(1519),因谏明武宗南巡被杖,濒死。嘉靖二年(1523),升刑部员外郎,进郎中。执法不阿,宰辅胄子犯法,亦按律惩治。嘉靖三年(1524),因议大礼被杖,濒死。嘉靖四年(1525)十二月,与锦衣卫千户李经会广东巡按御史熊兰,鞫问给事中陈洸不法事,具列罪状以闻。嘉靖六年(1527)九月,以陈洸上疏称冤,桂萼为洸讼冤,被逮至京听理。嘉靖七年(1528)五月,以勘问陈洸案失当削职为民。嘉靖十年(1531)三月,以陈洸复告治狱时酷刑杀无辜,发辽东铁岭卫充军。嘉靖十六年(1537)二月,遇赦,释原籍为民。嘉靖二十年(1541)三月,吏部奏请起用,不准。终老以死,卒年不详。著有《三冈奏事录》,已佚。今存诗3首,即《西岑草堂》《游天童寺》《三山参耸》;文5篇,即《都察院右副都御史石楼陆公钶行状》《江西按察使谢公汝仪墓志铭》《嘉忠祠记》《广宁前屯城修建关王庙记》《北园祠堂记》,但《明文海》卷三百六十七所录叶应骢撰《北园祠堂记》中自"人生适意之可乐"以下文字,系误收明人郑瑗所撰《守株记》。


      Abstract: Supplementation to biography of YE Yingcong is as follows. YE was born on the 21st, April in the third year of Hongzhi Reign of Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty (1490). His courtesy name was Sangang. In the fourteenth year of Zhengde (1519), he was flogged almost to death for remonstrating against the southern tour of Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty. In the second year of Jiajing (1523), he was promoted to vice director of a bureau in Ministry of Punishments and then to the director of the bureau. He upheld the law so impartially that he even punished the offspring of high officials who committed crimes. In the third year of Jiajing Reign (1524), he was flogged again for discussing the Grand Rites and was also at death’s door. In December of the fourth year of Jiajing (1525), YE and LI Jing, the commander of the Imperial Bodyguards, collaborated with XIONG Lan, the touring censor in Guangdong to investigate the illegal activities of CHEN Guang, the censor, and reported CHEN’s crimes. In September of the sixth year of Jiajing (1527), CHEN petitioned for justice, and YE was arrested and brought to the capital for trial. In May of the seventh year of Jiajing (1528), due to mistakes in investigating CHEN’s case, YE was stripped of his official position and became a commoner. In March of the tenth year of Jiajing (1531), CHEN accused YE of using cruel torture to kill innocent people. As a result, YE was sent to military service in Tieling Guard in Liaodong. In February of the sixteenth year of Jiajing (1537), he was pardoned and returned to his hometown as a commoner. In March of the twentieth year of Jiajing (1541), the Ministry of Personnel recommended his reinstatement, but it was denied. He lived out his remaining days in obscurity and his exact year of death was unknown. He wrote Sangang Memorial Records, which is lost. Only three poems and five essays have survived. The three poems are Xicen Cottage, Visiting Tiantong Temple, and The Three Mountains Tower Aloft. The five essays are Biography LU Ke, Vice Censor-in-chief of the Censorate, The Epitaph of XIE Ruyi, Surveillance Commissioner of Jiangxi, Record of the Jia Zhong Ci, Record of the Construction of the GUAN Yu Temple in Qiantun Guangning, and Biography of the North Garden Shrine. However, in Volume 367 of the Ming Wenhai, the entry by YE Yingcong’s Biography of the North Garden Shrine from the phrase "the joy of living at ease" onwards is mistakenly included in The Story of the Man Who Guarded the Tree by ZHENG Yuan, a scholar in Ming Dynasty.


