Description of Acrobatics Watching and the Significance of Poetics and Folklore in Poems of Song Dynasties
摘要: 两宋时期人们的娱乐生活丰富多彩,百戏尤其受到宋人的喜爱。百戏发展到宋代,种类与形式都得到极大的发展,其中社戏与傀儡戏最受欢迎。诗人们选取观戏这一特定的事件入诗,从不同的角度对其进行书写,使百戏的内容与观众的状态得到充分展示,体现了宋人对日常行为的关注。以观看百戏为题材的宋诗,不仅拓宽了日常化书写的领域,发掘了日常化书写的深度,而且对以往叙事诗的创作手法作了继承与革新,具有三重诗学意义。此外,该题材的诗歌也反映了两宋时期多姿多彩的民俗面貌,具有民俗学方面的独特价值。Abstract: The entertainment life of the Chinese people in Dynasties of Southern Song and Northern Song was diverse, with acrobatics especially loved by the people of the dynasties. By the time of the Song Dynasties, the show had greatly diversified in terms of types and forms, with performances of a temple fair and puppet shows being the most popular. Poets in Song Dynasties preferred to portray the specific event of watching these shows from different perspectives. Thus, the content of the acrobatics and the audience’s feedback were represented completely. Moreover, the attention of people in Song Dynasties to daily life was reflected. Poems of the Song Dynasties with the theme of watching acrobatics demonstrate a triple poetic significance. Firstly, the depiction of the acrobatics in poems expanded the scope of the writing of daily life in Song Dynasties. Secondly, the depiction explored the depth of the writing. Thirdly, it also inherited and innovated the techniques of past narrative poems. Furthermore, poems on this theme also indicated the various folk customs of the dynasties of Southern Song and Northern Song. Therefore, the poems hold unique significance in terms of folklore.