王凯, 辛志英. 唐代深州张鷟家族士人心态及作品研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2023, 38(7): 39-44. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2023.07.007
    引用本文: 王凯, 辛志英. 唐代深州张鷟家族士人心态及作品研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2023, 38(7): 39-44. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2023.07.007
    WANG Kai, XIN Zhiying. Mentality and Works of Scholars from ZHANG Zhuo's Family of Shenzhou in Tang Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2023, 38(7): 39-44. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2023.07.007
    Citation: WANG Kai, XIN Zhiying. Mentality and Works of Scholars from ZHANG Zhuo's Family of Shenzhou in Tang Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2023, 38(7): 39-44. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2023.07.007


    Mentality and Works of Scholars from ZHANG Zhuo's Family of Shenzhou in Tang Dynasty

    • 摘要: 唐代深州张氏家族是以张鷟、张薦、张读为代表的著名士人家族,他们既是朝廷官员,又是文学领域的大家。张鷟是盛唐士人的代表,他的作品《游仙窟》展现了盛唐文人的积极进取与张扬自信。中唐时期的张薦一改其祖父文风,其所撰《灵怪集》深沉稳重,文笔清雅绵丽,流露出张薦对时局的担忧与感慨,带有中唐士人普遍的怀旧与空幻心态。张读处于晚唐时期,此时的唐王朝已经显露末世迹象,张读所作《宣室志》流露出明显的消沉绝望、辞官归隐、避祸保命的心态。"三张"士人心态的变化,蕴涵整个唐朝在不同时期政治形势的变化轨迹。


      Abstract: The ZHANGs, in Shenzhou (current Hengshui, Hebei Province) during Tang Dynasty, were a famous family of scholars represented by ZHANG Zhuo, ZHANG Jian, and ZHANG Du. They were not only government officials but also literary figures. ZHANG Zhuo was a representative scholar in the heyday of Tang Dynasty, and his work Travel to Caves of the Immortals demonstrated the positive and confident spirit of literati in the heyday of Tang Dynasty. During the mid-Tang, ZHANG Jian, on the other hand, changed his grandfather's literary style. The style in A Collection of Supernatural Beings by ZHANG Jian was deep and steady, with elegant and graceful writing, revealing his concerns and feelings about the current situation, and reflecting the nostalgia and illusionary mentality among common literati in mid-Tang. ZHANG Du lived in late Tang Dynasty, by which the Dynasty had shown signs of decline. His work Strange Tales revealed a distinct sense of depression and despair, the mentality of resigning from office and seeking refuge to avoid being entrapped. The changes in the mental state of the three scholars from the ZHANGs reflect the changing political situation of Tang Dynasty at different times.


