Cultivation Mode for Talents of Artificial Intelligence Based on the Integration of the Government, Industries, Universities and Research
摘要: 人工智能人才培养模式建设缺乏统一的认识与整体性的设计指导框架,尚处于理论借鉴阶段。为此,本研究提出了多主体深度融合的核心层、主体层、活动层和目标层"四层"人工智能人才培养模式模型,解析各层实现功能,阐明模型的运行机制,实现了主体层的各主体之间的深度融合和活动层的各链之间的深度融合。Abstract: The construction mode for talent training of artificial intelligence is still in the stage of theoretical reference due to the lack of unified understanding and a guidance framework of integrated design. To this end, a four-layer model for talent training of artificial intelligence with deep integration of multiple agents is proposed. The function of each layer is analyzed, and the operating mechanism of the model is clarified. As a result, the deep integration between each subject of the main layers and the deep integration between each chain of the activity layer are realized.