A Revisit to Zuo Jia
摘要: 对"坐甲",历来有不同的解释,辞书释义也存在不足。"坐甲"本义应为"披甲坐以待敌",而非"坐于甲上";由"披甲坐以待敌",引申出"驻军,屯兵""设置警卫""按兵不战、息兵"等引申义;"坐甲"不指"坐阵"。Abstract: There have been different interpretations of zuo jia坐甲wearing armor to watch for the enemy for a long time. Its definition in the dictionaries is not clear, either. This paper argues that the original meaning of zuo jia is wearing armor to watch for the enemy, rather than "sitting on armor". Therefore, different meanings are extended from the original meaning. Zuo jia does not mean zuo zhen 坐阵sitting array before attacking, either.