Ethical Significance of Story Changing in the Fictions of Complicated Legal Cases during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要: 公案小说以清官为主角,综合运用感性与理性推理断案的形式,与西方强调现代生活方式的侦探小说差异较大,强调了儒家"三纲五常"道德伦理。由明至清,这种伦理强调也逐渐从家本位过渡为忠义政治伦理。由于庶民读者对世风日下、伦常崩毁的不愤,公案小说中的作案过程逐渐由法家书式的细节描写转变为利于读者进行情境想象的叙事体,这种叙事特征的转变更利于公案小说这一文学形式实现道德伦理上的诗性正义。Abstract: Emotions and rational reasoning are comprehensively employed to settle a lawsuit in the fictions of complex legal cases where an honest and upright official is the major character. The fictions are quite different from the Western detective novels which often emphasize the modern life style. They actually emphasize the traditional chinese ethical principles of Confucianism. From the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the emphasis on ethics gradually changed from the family standard to political ethics of loyalty. The readers are common people, and they were erasperatsd and disappointed at the decline of the society and the collapse of cultural ethics. The criminal process in the fictions of complex legal cases had gradually changed from the detailed description to narratives which are conducive to the readers’ situational imagination. The transformation of the narrative style of the fictions is helpful to realize poetic justice of morality and ethics.