The Effect of Internet Finance on Profitability of Chinese Commercial Banks
摘要: 互联网金融的迅猛发展对我国商业银行盈利的影响越来越突出.选取我国16家代表性商业银行2008—2017年的相关数据, 通过建立计量模型进行分析, 实证检验了互联网金融发展对我国商业银行盈利的影响.研究结果表明, 互联网金融发展对商业银行盈利能力具有显著负效应, 而对商业银行非利息收入占比具有显著正效应.因此, 我国商业银行应该利用互联网金融的优势, 建立多元化盈利结构, 打造现代化科技银行, 以此来应对互联网金融发展所带来的不利影响.Abstract: With the rapid development of internet finance, its impact on the profitability of commercial banks has become increasingly prominent.Relevant data between 2008—2017 of 16 representative commercial banks in China are picked out to construct a measurement model for the empirical analysis of the effect of internet finance development on the profitability power of commercial banks in China.The results show that, for the commercial banks, the Internet financial development exerts a significantly negative effect on the profitability of commercial banks and positively affects the ratio of their non-interest income.Therefore, China’s commercial banks should actively take full advantage of internet finance to maintain a diversified profit structure and construct some modernized technology-based banks so as to lift themselves off the adverse effects of the Internet financial development.