Spatial-temporal Characteristics of Cultural Relics Tourism Resources and their Development Strategies in Sichuan
摘要: 以四川省7批全国重点文物保护单位为研究对象, 运用SPSS19.0对其时空分布的相关数据进行加工处理, 计算出各时代和市州文物旅游资源的综合指数, 进而分析其时空分布特征.研究发现:四川文物旅游资源时空分布不平衡, 时代特征显著, 地区分布相对集中;全省文物旅游面临着资源保护不足, 损毁严重, 管理体制不顺, 产品单一, 宣传不够, 专业人才短缺等问题.建议加强文物旅游资源保护, 健全管理体制, 深挖文物内涵, 提升文物旅游层次, 积极开展宣传, 着力打造文物旅游精品, 加快专业人才队伍建设.Abstract: The relevant spatial-temporal data concerning seven batches of national key cultural relics conversation units in Sichuan Province were subjected to SPSS19.0 analysis and treatment, thus to work out the integrated index of relic tourism resources during different periods of time in each prefecture-level city in the province to find out about their spatial-temporal characteristic.It is concluded that:The province is characterized by an imbalanced spatial-temporal distribution of cultural relics resources and has an impressive era characteristic and regional concentration;These resources are not properly preserved, suffering serious damages;The management system doesn’t work very well;The tourist products are too monotonous;The publicity work is not well-done;The specialized personals are scarcely seen.The future efforts should be directed to resources protection, perfection of managing mechanism, the digging of cultural relics connotation, the promotion of cultural relics tourism calibre, publicity work and focus on creating top cultural relics tourism products and cultivating specialized tourism talents.