Intervention Effects of Positive Psychological Group Counseling among Postgraduates with Social Anxiety
摘要: 为探索积极心理取向的团体辅导对社交焦虑研究生的干预效果, 通过公开招募选取存在社交焦虑的12名研究生作为被试, 采用实验组和对照组前后测试加追踪测试的实验设计, 实验组接受积极心理取向的团辅 (每周1次, 每次1.5h, 共10次) , 对照组采用无结构式的团辅.运用交往焦虑量表 (IAS) 、主观幸福感指数量表 (IWB) 、自我接纳量表 (SAQ) 、自编的被试自我报告和带领者团体观察记录综合评估干预效果.结果发现:干预后, 与对照组相比, 实验组社交焦虑水平显著下降 (P <0.05) 、主观幸福感和自我接纳得分显著高于前测 (P <0.05) ;实验组被试自我报告和带领者团体观察记录表明干预效果令人满意.结论:与无结构式团辅相比, 积极心理取向的结构式团辅可以改善社交焦虑研究生的心理状态, 降低社交焦虑水平, 提高主观幸福感和自我接纳程度.Abstract: To explore the intervention effects of positive psychological group counseling among postgraduates with social anxiety.12 postgraduates with social anxiety were chosen as the research subjects through open recruitment.Pre-, post-and follow-up tests are designed to test the experimental group and control group.The experimental group received positive psychological group counseling (once a week, 1.5 hours each time, 10 times in total) , and the control group received none-structure group counseling.The Interaction Anxiousness Scale (IAS) , Index of well-being, Self-Acceptance Scale (SAQ) , self-made self-report of the testees and the observation records of the research conductors were used to evaluate the results of intervention.It is found that compared with control group, the experimental group had a more significant decline of IAS (P<0.05) , with significantly higher scores being found among the experimental group in terms of IWB and SAQ after intervention (P<0.05) .The testees reports and and the research conductors observation records of the experimental group indicate the intervention effect is rather satisfactory.Conclusion:Positive psychological group counseling can improve the level of psychological status, self-acceptance and subjective well-being, and reduce the level of social anxiety in graduates.