Rethinking of Relationships between Nature and Man in Zhuangzi
摘要: 天人关系是先秦哲学的基础性命题, 也是《庄子》哲学的重要内容。《庄子》之“天”主要包括本体之天的自然界、万物之本然性状和超越性的精神状态三层涵义。《庄子》一方面论及“天人相分”, 当人乃物化异化、妄作妄为、失去常然本性之时, 天与人是对立的, 天人关系呈现出相分的状态;另一方面, 《庄子》又主张“天人合一”, 天人合一乃是《庄子》天人关系的最终指向。天作为人的内在结构, 蕴含于生命个体的本性之中。人只有效仿天之行为方式, 无为而为, 才能实现真正的“天与人一也”。Abstract: The relationships between nature and man was a fundamental proposition in the pre-Qin philosophies as well as the important content of Zhuangzi’s philosophy.The concept“tian”in Zhuangzi includes three connotations:nature as the noumenon, the natural state and the surpassing spiritual state.On the one hand, Zhuangzi believes that nature and man are in opposition and the two are separate when man is of heterization, behaves abnormally and has lost his nature.On the other hand, the work insists on man as an integral part of nature, which is the Zhuangzi’s terminal orientation.As the internal structure, “tian”is connoted in the individual’s nature.Only when man imitates nature’s behaviors and does everything when doing nothing can he be the real part of nature.