Notes to Proofreading Vast Records Made in Taiping Period
摘要: 张国风先生以明谈恺刻本《太平广记》为底本, 校以现存其他版本, 著成更为完善精确的专书《太平广记会校》。细究本书, 仍有部分校改不当之处。文章选取《太平广记会校勘》无需校改、误校二十则, 辅以疏证, 为原书校勘整理提供支持。Abstract: With Tankai’s Vast Records Made in Taiping Periodin Ming Dynasty as the basic edition for reproduction, Zhang Guofeng proofread the existent copies of other editions, and has achieved in the completion of the more accurate monograph Proofreading Vast Records Made in Taiping Period.Through the careful examination of the work, the author has found some improper corrections.This paper has selected twenty entries in the book which are “unnecessary” to correct or wrongly corrected and offered the author’s opinion for correction in an attempt to help the proofreading and sorting of the original work.