An Interpretation of the Chinese Word “Fanteng”
摘要: “烦疼”是个至今颇有争议的词汇。从“烦”的两个核心义素“热”与“多”的各自引申发展路径, 从对文、病痛症状、佛患烦疼缘等文献比较互证角度以及与“烦渴”病症比勘来看, “烦疼”之“烦”不是心烦之病症, 而表频繁、连续不断义, “烦疼”应理解为频繁或连续不断地疼痛, 是状中结构双音词, 描写发生在人体各部位的疼痛病症。Abstract: The word “fanteng” (烦疼) has long been controversial.From the evolution paths of the two sememes “re” (hot) and “duo” (many) of the element“fan”, and through comparison between literature and examination of the syndrome“fanke”, we can find that“fan”in“fanteng”does not refer to the syndrome of annoyance, but means “frequent or continuous”.Therefore, “fanteng” should be “frequent or continuous ache”.This bisyllabic word is used to describe the ache in various parts of human body.