Bai Juyi’s Psychological Interpretation of Chang’an
摘要: “长安”是白居易诗中一个重要的意象。通过考察白居易关于长安的诗作可以发现:初入京时, 地方文人的身份, 公务的繁忙以及由此带来的精神压力, 使白居易对长安产生心理上的疏离。诗人消解这种疏离感的方式是以闲适自处, 在自我体认中转移对外在喧嚣的关注。贬谪时期, 由于物候风俗不同, 政治理想受挫, 白居易在诗中追忆长安。经过诗人选择性地书写, 长安呈现出亲切可感的一面。同时, 诗人对贬谪年月的记载又体现出内心的焦虑和渴望回京的迫切。Abstract: “Chang’an”was an important image in Bai Juyi’s poems.Through examination of Bai’s poems, we can find that his identity as a scholar from other places, the official business and the spiritual pressure caused by it brought him the sense of alienation to Chang’an when he first came to the capital.The poet stayed leisurely and transferred his attention to the noisy outside world.He took such means to diminish the sense of alienation.During the period of his banishment and relegation, due to the different custom and political setbacks, he recalled Chang’an in his poems.Through his selective description in poems, Chang’an has become warm and lovely.At the same time, the records about his relegation and banishment have shown his worries in his deep mind and thirst for returning back to Chang’an.