A Study of General Notices in Historical Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要: 明清时期, 凡例成为一种独立文体, 书籍编纂者多在卷首撰写凡例, 历史演义小说也不例外。凡例包含了丰富的内容, 为我们研究明清历史演义的小说观念、叙事理论、广告功能等提供了第一手资料, 对探究明清历史演义的创作特点及发展轨迹等有重要意义。Abstract: During the period of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the general notices became a kind of independent genre.Many compilers composed the general notices at the very beginning of their books.And historical novels were not an exception.They had abundant content which can provide us with the firsthand materials for the study of conceptions, narrative theories and advertising functions of the historical novels of this period.And they are of great significance for us to probe into the creation features and development tracks of such novels.