On Inspiration of ZHANG Daqian’s View toward Copying and Sketching for the Teaching of Chinese Painting in Universities
摘要: 临摹和写生的选择和偏重, 始终是目前高校中国画教学的一大问题, 它关系到中国画的延续和发展。张大千坚持的中国式临摹写生观, 已由他成功的艺术道路证明其可行性。从临摹的选择和运用, 到写生教学方面, 张大千“师古师造化”的临摹写生观, 均可为当前中国画教学提供有益的启示。张大千注重临摹与写生并重, “师古人之迹”“兼效百家”的中国式临摹观, 与注重中国画理技法教学的中国式写生观是符合当前中国画学习的内在发展里路的, 对目前高校中国画教学是有所裨益的。Abstract: The choice of and emphasis on copying and sketching have long been a problem in the teaching of Chinese painting in universities, which bear on the continuation and development of such kind of painting.From the choice and employment of copying to the sketching teaching, ZHANG Daqian’s copying and sketching view of“learning from the ancient masters and the outside”can be taken as the inspiration for the teaching of Chinese painting.ZHANG laid equal emphasis on copying and sketching.His copying view of“learning from the ancient people and various schools”, together with the Chinese style of copying view of attaching importance on Chinese painting principles and techniques is in line with the internal development trace of Chinese painting learning.It is of great help for the teaching of Chinese painting.