Images of Profound Scholars under ZHANG Daqian’s Pen
摘要: 张大千高士题材的作品在人物画中,占了很大的比例。 张大千笔下的高士形象,是将石涛等古人笔下的高士变换成自己概念化的图式,置于山水林泉之间,或表现其幽思抚琴之状,或以高古风格表现其华丽雅集之场景,进而追求向晋唐乃至“逸格”的靠近。 张大千常把自己喻作高士,以简练的笔意勾勒其容貌,这种对高士的向往,是张大千向往桃源隐逸生活的一种情思的寄托,以慰藉心灵的空缺。 张大千高士形象的作品中,其风格的嬗变是以早年的秀美纤弱、中年的精工华丽、晚年的简拙朴淡为基线,其创作的心路历程,是“师古求变”的,也是研究者备受关注的。Abstract: The works with the profound scholars as the subjects account for a large proportion in ZHANG Daqian’s fig-
ure paintings. The images of these profound scholars are the conceptualized schema transformed from those under the ancient painters’ pens like SHI Tao’s. They are either in woods or beside springs, either playing zither or in grand and elegant scenes in ancient but magnificent style. Hereby, they get close to styles of Jin and Tang, and even“ease one”. ZHANG often com- pared himself to a profound scholar, drew the outlines of his appearance with simple strokes. Such craving to be a profound scholar was his emotional ballast of his longing for the life in seclusion, which could comfort his psychological loss. Among the works with such images, the evolution of his style was along the line of beauty and delicateness in his early years, elegance and magnificence in his middle age, and simplicity in his late years. His creation course was the one of“learning from ancient peo- ple and pursuing the innovation” and hence drew much attention of researchers.