Export trade has an impact on ecological civilization,which none of us can afford to neglect. The promotion of
green transformation of export trade has become an effective path for improving ecological civilization. Green transformation of export trade is a long, complex and dynamic process,which is influenced by various action mechanisms. Generally speaking,the macro dynamic mechanisms for green transformation of export trade include the implementation of industrial policies,the ad- vancement of factor endowment structure,advancement of energy consumption structure,implementation of green export trade policies and measures,optimization of industrial distribution of FDI,implementation of environmental policies,industry conver- gence and the development of environmental industry;medium dynamic mechanism is to bring the relevant roles of industrial associations into full play; the micro dynamic mechanisms include the formation of cleaner production concept,the application of cleaner production technology and green production process,green product development,implementation of green manage- ment and advancement of demand structure of both importing countries’ and exporting countries. During the process of develo- ping open economy,resultant force of macro-dynamic mechanism,Meso- dynamic mechanism and micro-dynamic mechanism should be constructed so as to accelerate green transformation of export trade.