(1+1) 维KdV 方程的精确行波解
The Exact Travelling Wave Solution to(1+1)-Dimensional KdV Equations
摘要: 考虑一类混合(1 + 1)维 KdV方程的精确行波解的存在性, 首先通过引入波变量, 将偏微分方程转化为常微分方程,然后应用首次积分法得到常微分方程的解,从而获得混合(1+1)维 KdV方程的精确行波解.Abstract: The existence of the exact traveling wave solutions of a class of mixed(1+1)-dimensional KdV
equationswas put under examination. Firstly, by introduction of the wave variable, the partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations. And then, by means of the initial integral method, the solution to the ordinary differential equation is obtained. And therefore, the exact traveling wave solutions to the mixed(1+1)-dimensional KdV equations are worked out.