万鹏宇, 林忠永, 潘俊兰, 杨新国. 职场孤独感对制造业会计人际偏差行为的影响———离职意向的中介作用[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2018, (2): 7-11. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2018.02.002
    引用本文: 万鹏宇, 林忠永, 潘俊兰, 杨新国. 职场孤独感对制造业会计人际偏差行为的影响———离职意向的中介作用[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2018, (2): 7-11. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2018.02.002
    WAN Pengyu, LIN Zhongyong, PAN Junlan, YANG Xinguo. The Effect of Workplace Loneliness upon Interpersonal Deviance of Accountants in the Manufacturing Industry:The Mediating Effect of Turnover Intention[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2018, (2): 7-11. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2018.02.002
    Citation: WAN Pengyu, LIN Zhongyong, PAN Junlan, YANG Xinguo. The Effect of Workplace Loneliness upon Interpersonal Deviance of Accountants in the Manufacturing Industry:The Mediating Effect of Turnover Intention[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2018, (2): 7-11. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2018.02.002


    The Effect of Workplace Loneliness upon Interpersonal Deviance of Accountants in the Manufacturing Industry:The Mediating Effect of Turnover Intention

    • 摘要: 为了探讨职场孤独感和离职意向对制造业会计人员人际偏差行为作用,研究基于归因偏差理论理论和社会联结理论,通过职场孤独感量表、离职意向量表和人际偏差行为量表对 249 名制造业会计人员进行调查研究. 结果表明:职场孤独感、离职意向与人际偏差行为两两正相关;职场孤独感负向预测人际偏差行为;离职意向在职场孤独感对人际偏差行为的影响中发挥着部分中介的作用,中介效应率为 40. 62%.


      Abstract: In order to get a clear picture about the effect of workplace loneliness on the interpersonal deviance of account- ants in the manufacturing industry, by use of the attribution deviation theory and the Social bonding theory, 249 accountants from the manufacturing industry were taken as the research subjects adopting the Workplace Loneliness Scale, Turnover Inten- tion Scale and Interpersonal Deviance Scale. It is found that workplace loneliness, turnover intention and interpersonal deviance are positively correlated to each other; the workplace loneliness can negatively predict the interpersonal deviance; the turnover intention plays partially an intermediate role in the effect of workplace loneliness upon the interpersonal deviance with the medi- ating effect rate of40. 62%.


