In order to explore the characteristics of the attitude of adolescents, by the method of a cluster sampling, a
questionnaire survey is conducted among3,000 adolescents nationwide. It is found: (1)The aggregate performance of life attitude of teenagers is relatively positive; (2) The existential substantiality of the only child is significantly higher than the non-only-child, in contrast, the life control and acceptance of suffering of non-only-child is better; (3) Rural teenagers accept death with more ease, while teenagers in the towns and cities have a stronger life purpose and sense of life control; (4) The students majoring medicine and artistic profession are most active in the pursuit of life attitude; (5) The score of teenagers on thelife attitude and each individual factor rises gradually with the increase of age. The findings show that the overall performance of adolescents’ attitude is rather positive and there are characteristic differences, and their attitude towards life needs to be improved.