ZHANG Daqian’ Inheritance and Development of Seal Cutting Art
摘要: 张大千对篆刻的研习并无专门的师承,他是在与师、友的交往中不断学习、提升,融合前人所长,渗入自己所得,进而创造自家面目。 张大千的篆刻不拘泥于某家某派,而是在学习汉印、古玺的基础上,博采明清诸家之长,他善于在学习古人的过程中超越古人,其作品在继承传统的基础上常常展现出强烈的艺术个性,不落古人窠臼, 展示出强烈的创新意识和自我意识。 张大千的篆刻在20世纪中国印坛极具代表性。Abstract: ZHANG Daqian’s study of seal cutting did not come from a special teaching. He studied such art and made improvement in his association with his teachers and friends, and integrated the other people’s strengths into his own. In the end, the art with his unique style formed. His cutting was not confined to a specific school, but absorbed the essence of various masters of Ming and Qing Dynasties on the basis of learning Han seals and ancient royal seals. He was adept in surpassing the ancient people in studying them. His works showed the strong artistic personality on the basis of inheritance of the tradition and were not confined to ancient peoples’ standard. In addition, they showed strong innovative consciousness and self-aware- ness. His seal cutting was a representative in the Chinese cutting circle in the20th century.