《金 瓶梅》淫书乎?非淫书乎? ———400年金学史上的一桩公案
Chin Ping Mei: An Erotic Book or not? ——— A Controversy in the400 Years’ History of Studies of the Novel
摘要: 淫书论与非淫书论的对立已有400年。 当代的对立核心是《金瓶梅》是一部色情小说、性小说还是反腐败小说。 但是当代淫书论者在坚持小说“写性”的同时,已融入了非淫书论者“指斥时事”的观点,非淫书论者在坚持小说“指斥时事”观点的同时,已融入了淫书论者“写性”的观点。 两者已有互相融合的趋势,完全可以将淫书论的“写性”与非淫书论的“指斥时事”统一起来。 “写性与指斥时事的统一”,乃是《金瓶梅》的主旨。 随看两论的不断融合,淫书论与非淫书论则渐趋消亡,它们将作为历史概念,封存在金学史的历史档案之中。 此外,时代在进步,人们的性观念在不断更新,即使现在出现一部以绝大部分篇幅写性的小说,人们也不会以“淫书”目之,而充其量称之为“性小说”。 淫书论必将消亡,这就是我对 400 年淫书论与非淫书论矛盾对立的前途的考量所得出的结论。Abstract: The controversy whether the novel ChinPing Mei is an erotic book or not has been over400 years. The core of such controversy lies in whether it is an erotic, or sexual or anti-corruption novel. However, the people who take it as an e- rotic book hold that the book gives much description to sex and has integrated the views of non-erotic novel which criticizes the
current affairs, and the vice versa. The two views tend to merge into each other and can unify the sexual description with cur- rent affairs criticism. The unification between the two is in fact the purport of ChinPing Mei. With the increasing integration of the two views, the erotic and non-erotic opinions tend to vanish. They will be sealed up in the historical file as the two con- cepts. Further, with the development of the times, peoples’ views of sex have been changing. They will not take a novel of which the most is the sexual description as an erotic one. At most, they consider it a sexual one. The erotic-book view will def- initely disappear. This is just the conclusion that the author of this paper has drawn after he gives a careful consideration to the controversy whether the novel is erotic or not.