鲍文. 构建农业气象防灾减灾高效机制[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2017, (8): 86-90. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2017.08.020
    引用本文: 鲍文. 构建农业气象防灾减灾高效机制[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2017, (8): 86-90. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2017.08.020
    BAO Wen. The Construction of a Meteorological Mechanism for Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2017, (8): 86-90. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2017.08.020
    Citation: BAO Wen. The Construction of a Meteorological Mechanism for Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2017, (8): 86-90. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2017.08.020


    The Construction of a Meteorological Mechanism for Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

    • 摘要: 气象灾害作为我国农业受灾的主要原因,足见其防灾减灾能力之不足.文章阐述了农业防灾减灾能力建设的必要性和可行性,分析了其机制现状 :气象灾害防灾减灾管理体系不完善,监测预警和信息共享机制有待进一步提高,多部门联动机制尚未形成;由此提出了农业气象防灾减灾高效机制设计方案:完善农村气象灾害防灾减灾组织体系,制定并实施农村气象灾害防灾减灾计划和应急预案,建设农村灾害预警信息发布接收系统,建立防灾减灾信息员队伍,加强气象防灾减灾知识的宣传和培训;进而从基本内容和流程两方面构建了农业气象防灾减灾高效机制范式.


      Abstract: Meteorological disasters have long been blamed as the leading causes of agricultural disasters, indicating how weak we are in our ability of disaster prevention and mitigation. The necessity and feasibility of agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation capacity construction were analyzed and the status quo of its mechanism discussed. It is found that the managing system for meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation is incomplete; the monitoring and early warning system and infor- mation sharing mechanism remain to be further improved; a multi-party collective action mechanism remains to be constructed. Thus a design scheme for the construction of an efficient mechanism for agricultural meteorological disaster prevention and mit- igation is put forth: to complete the organizing system for rural meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation; to recruit a team of disaster prevention and mitigation informants; to step up the teaching and publicizing of disaster prevention and mitiga- tion know-how; thus from the two aspects of basic content and procedures, a high-efficiency paradigm for agricultural meteoro- logical disaster prevention and mitigation is set up.


