A Textual Research into the Views of“Nine Schools Deserving Appreciation” including“Novelist One” in The Records of Arts and Essays in The Book of Former Han Dynasty
摘要: 近代以降,学者把《汉书 · 艺文志》中“可观者九家”的“九家”都解释为“除去小说家”的九家。 然而细读文本并考诸史实,“可观者九家”应该为“除去儒家”的九家,这是合乎班固的原意与史实的。Abstract: Since the modern time, the“nine schools deserving appreciation” mentioned in TheBook of Former Han Dynasty have been interpreted as the ones which should be exclude the“novelist school”. However, careful reading and historical facts all have shown that the Confucianism shouldbe excluded, which is in accordance with original intention of the writer of the book BAN Gu.