Level-Based College Foreign Language Teaching under Multimedia Web-Based Educational Model———A Case Study of Neijiang Normal University
摘要: 大学外语分级教学遵循“分类指导、因材施教”的原则,采用不同的教学方法进行分层次分类教学。 在多媒体网络教学模式下进行分级教学,一方面可以充分发挥多媒体网络教学模式的优势,另一方面可以充分调动学生自主学习的积极性。 据此,可以进一步提高大学外语课程的教学质量。Abstract: The level-based college English teaching sticks to the principle of“classified guidance and teaching students according to their aptitude”. Under the multimedia web-based teaching, such teaching model can fully play the advantage of the multimedia teaching on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can promote students’ enthusiasm in their autonomous learn- ing. Accordingly, such teaching model can help to improve the teaching quality of college foreign language.