On Sweet Words and Malicious Rumors from a Pragmatic Perspective
摘要: 语用学提供了一个独特的角度来研究语言使用情况。 根据奥斯汀的言语行为理论,说话者说话时可能同时实施三种行为:言内行为,言外行为和言后行为。 根据格莱斯会话含义理论,会话中存在合作原则,包括量的准则、质的准则、关联准则、方式准则。 合作原则及其准则不一定随时都被遵守。 出于预期的目的,人们违反准则说谎,从而产生会话含义。 以花言巧语和流言蜚语为例。 恋爱中的人许下永恒的爱情誓言,有利于促进彼此感情。 面试者在工作面试中,凸显优点并且巧妙规避缺点,有助于得到理想的工作。 第一眼见到别人小孩,没有充分理由的恭维适得其反。 员工缺乏事实依据,谣传老板有婚外恋倾向,造成误会困扰。 故意造谣同事偷盗,造成人格尊严的伤害。 甜蜜欺骗的话语或巧妙圆融的话语,可能因为动听而被接受,有利于促进人际关系,达到特定目的;也可能因为虚伪而被识破,从而破坏人际关系。 流言蜚语如同暗箭伤人。基于奥斯汀和格莱斯的理论,以上实例分析表明,语言具有成就人和伤害人的强大力量。Abstract: Pragmatics offers a unique perspective for the study of language in use. According to Austin’s speech act theory, the addresser might conduct three kinds of acts: locutionary, illocutionary and perlocution- ary ones while speaking. And according to the Grice’s theory of conversational implicature, there exists coop- erative principle in conversation including four maxims: quality, quantity, relevance and manner. However, the principle and its maxims are not necessarily followed at all times. Out of expectation, people violate the maxims and tell lies which brings about the implicature. The authors of this paper just take sweet words and malicious rumors as examples. The people in love often make love pledge which helps to increase their affec- tion to each other. And in the interview, the interviewees often avoid to mention their weakness in order to highlight their strengths. And this helps them to get the ideal jobs. At the first sight of another person’s child, the compliments without any reasons will make things worse. The employers’ spreading of rumors without any factual basis that their boss has inclination of extramarital love will result in misunderstanding and embarrassment. The deliberate fabrication of story of one’s colleague’s stealing will hurt his personality and self-respect. Nevertheless, the sweet or artful words might be accepted to increase people’s interpersonal re- lationship and to achieve certain purpose. And they might damage such relationship because of their hypocrisy and revelation of it. The rumors are just like hidden arrows which might cause even greater damage. Based on Austin’s and Grice’s theories, the above analysis of some examples shows that language has the great power of pleasing and hurting people.