Tao is the highest principle in Laozi’s thoughts. It is the intangible and indescribable metaphysical thing-in-itself. And sages are the implementation and realization of Tao in the real world. They have the ideal personality in his thoughts. Therefore, the Tao of sages in his thoughts is in accordance with the metaphysical one as the thing-in-itself. On the knowledge level, sages have learned Tao from their experience. They understand the metaphysical Tao from the rationality and
perceptual intuition. On practical level, sages practice Tao. Sages stick to the principle of Tao following nature and achieve in- action, nothing-pursuing and selflessness. On the cultivation level, sages cultivate themselves in Tao. They improve them- selves according to moral, and have few desires and stop at anything and finally will return to Tao. These three aspects are uni- fied in the Tao of sages and contribute to their complete personality.