道德说教外衣下的清代拟话本小说 ———以《八洞天·续在原》为例
On Novels Written in Story-telling Style under the Guise of Moralization ——— A Case Study of Xu Zaiyuan, Ba Dongtian
摘要: 拟话本小说发展至清代,受统治者严酷的文化政策、话本创作平民化到文人化的转变、小说道德说教成分的加强等原因的影响,小说传播步履维艰,逐渐走上衰落之路。 但是,从小说文本出发,在拟话本小说道德说教的外衣下,在其“因果报应”的宿命论思想中,反映出小说创作者强烈的社会责任感、对理想社会模式的再现和理想道德人物的塑造,值得我们注意和思考。Abstract: To Qing Dynasty, influenced by rulers’ harsh literary policies, transformation from plebification to literati stylization and enhancement of novels’ moralization, the novels written in story-telling style declined gradually. In spite of that, under the disguise of moralization and in their fatalism of retribution for sin, the novels’ texts have shown their writers’strong sense of social responsibility, shaping of ideal society’s modes and ideal moral figures. This is worth our attention and reflection.