我国森警体能现状分析和训练对策思考 ———基于森警201 5“司晋督”训班体能测试资料
The Stamina Status Analysis of the National Forest Police and the Training Strategy ——Based on the Stamina Test Data of2015 Forest Police Training Classes125, 126, 127
摘要: 国家安全中的警察责任加大、任务加重和警察因公殉职中“过劳”比例的快速增长,强烈要求警察必须保持良好的体质体能状态. 结合国家林业局森警 2015 司晋督训练班体育达标测试结果,文章剖析了森警体能基本结构,从把时间留给体育、缩短体育与战斗力的距离、便捷和快速体能转换通道、强化森警体育理论创新和构建警事体能训练特色体系等角度出发,指出,体育是直接关系森警(警察)队伍建设质量和发展进程的基础工程,已经到了不得不重视、不重视不行的时候.Abstract: The increasingly heavier duties and tasks the State security police shoulder and the growing rate of overwork deaths in police force are forcing the country to keep its police force in an excellent physical condition. Based on the analysis of fitness test results of2015 forest police training classes, the basic fitness structure of the forest police is examined from the perspectives of leaving due time for sports, narrowing the gap between sports and fighting capacity, simplifying and producing a rapid physical conversion channel, strengthening theoretical innovation concerning forest police training and establishing the construction of police physical training system with special characteristics. It is found that physical exercise directly determines the quality of forest force construction and it requires urgent attention from the government.