加油站便利店顾客购买行为分析 ———基于中石油合肥区域门店实证调研
Behavioral Analysis of Customers in Gas Station Convenience Stores ———Based on Empirical Study in the Regional Stores of Petro China in Hefei
摘要: 随着便利店的快速发展,加油站便利店势必成为加油站经营的新的利润增长点,但由于起步晚,相对其他非油站便利店,存在顾客进店转换率低、陈列不规范、商品结构不合理等诸多问题. 本文依托中石油安徽销售分公司,通过实地访谈,问卷调查等方式,针对加油站便利店进行实证调研,并对顾客的购买行为及消费特征进行分析,找出问题关键,最后提出有针对性的建议,促进加油站便利店的发展.Abstract: With the rapid development of convenience store, it will soon rise to become a new profit growth point for gasstations. Yet compared with other non-g- station convenience stores, the late start has resulted in many problems like the low conversion rate of customers into the shops, nonstandard display of goods, irrational structure of commodities. Therefore, by empirical study of the Anhui petroleum sales branch, through interviews, questionnaire surveys, an analysis is made of the purchasing behaviors of customers and their consuming features so as to spot the crucial problems, and in the end work out the counter measures and promote the gas station convenience store development.