A Preliminary Study on the Implicit Structure of the Chinese Folk Concept“Dou” for College Students
摘要: 依据激活扩散模型、运用字词联想法对大学生“斗”概念的表征进行了初步的探究. 采用“斗”字作为刺激材料,请277名大学生被试进行自由联想,把选出的前69个高频词语作为分析材料.另请100名被试基于亲疏程度对该6 9个高频词语实施系统聚类分析.研究发现,大学生群体是从成败斗争、拟态斗争、能力斗争、利益斗争四个方面来表征“斗”概念.对各类联想词的被试性别,独生、非独生等差异进行χ2 检验,结果表明,在能力斗争和利益斗争中存在显著的性别差异.Abstract: By adopting the Spreading Activation Model and the word association method, a preliminary study is conducted of the representations concerning the concept dou. And the worddou was used as a stimulus and277 college students were asked to write out the words that came to mind when they heard the word dou. Then69 dou-related high frequency words/ phrases were collected as material for analysis. Another100 students were asked to give a hierarchical cluster analysis of these words. The research finds: college students tended to characterize the concept of dou from the four aspects of success/failure struggle, mimicry struggle, ability struggle and interest struggle. Anχ2 test of the testees about their gender, only- or non-on- ly child who put forth the various kinds of associational words ofdou reveals that in terms of ability struggle and interest strug- gle there exists a significant obvious gender difference.