社会各阶层与牌坊之关系及对其艺术的影响 ———以巴蜀地区为中心
Relationships between Social Classes and Honorific Arches and Their Influences on Art ———A Case Study of Bashu Region
摘要: 牌坊作为纪念性建筑,是封建社会礼教的物化形态,其在建造及最终呈现中与人关系紧密。 封建统治阶级既是牌坊建造决定者,也同坊主及家族、乡绅、行会等一起构建牌坊建造的赞助体系。 其题材由统治阶级与民间大众在时代、地域的背景下共同形成艺术语库,民间工匠从语库中汲取表现,最终呈现出艺术说教和雅俗共赏的艺术风格。Abstract: As a kind of memorial buildings, the honorific arch is the materialized form of feudal ethics and rites. It was closely related with people either in its construction or in its final presentation. The feudal ruling class was the determiners of building such honorific arches as well as the sponsors together with arch owners, their families, squires and guilds. The ruling class and the folk people chose the themes of such arches and then they formed the artistic verbal repertoire from which the folk artisans selected deeds. And finally the form with the art preaching and both refined and popular tastes came into being.