Interpretation of“Automatic Extension of Validity” of Housing Construction Land
摘要: 《物权法》第149条第1款存在所规定的“自动续期”存在有偿续期和无偿续期之争。 法律解释的结果表明,至少立法机关没有明确表态无偿续期,是否有偿需由立法加以解决。 从国土资源部门的具体做法看,倾向于有偿续期。Abstract: There exists dispute between free and paid extension of“automatic extension of validity” in the first entry of Article149 of PropertyLaw. The legal interpretation shows that at least the legislative bodies have not clearly declared the free extension. This needs to be solved by legislation. The practice of departments of land and resources shows that they tend to support the paid extension.