适用语言学领域的创新之作 ———《基于网络热点事件的汉语评价研究》评介
An Innovative Work in Applied Linguistics ——— An Introduction to and Comments on A Study of Chinese Appraisal System Based on Online Hot Events
摘要: 《基于网络热点事件的汉语评价研究》将目光聚焦在新媒体时代下的新型语篇样式:微博,是一项 真正提炼马丁的评价理论精华、紧密结合汉语事实的标志性成果,也是一本具有汉语特色的互动语言学专著。其主要特色是材料丰富,用例精当,理论多元,互补互撑,整体观照,宏观与微观结合,强调互动协商,动态建构。 该书有力地弥补了汉语学界评价研究的缺憾,充分地验证了功能语言学强大的社会解释力,是适用语言学领域的一项创新之作。Abstract: The work A Study of Chinese Appraisal System Based on Online Hot Events has focused on the new style of text in the time of new media: microblog. It is an interactive linguistic monograph with Chinese characteristics and a landmark achievement which has extracted and purified Martin’s evaluation theory and combined itself closely with the Chinese language fact. It is characterized by rich materials, proper examples, multiple theories complementary and mutually supportive, combi- nation between macroscopic and microscopic studies, emphasis on interaction and coordination, and dynamic construction. The book has fully filled the blank of evaluation research in Chinese circle. Further, it has verified the powerful ability of social in- terpretation of functional linguistics. In a word, it is an innovative work in the field of applied linguistics.